So … I don’t know how consitent this blogging is going to be as my plate is full … with my full-time school work, taking care of my family, working on my knitting projects (or crochet) and becoming more than just an on-line believer.
I am grateful for a resource that let’s me express myself in longer written form.
When ever the Spirit moves me I may just jot down a few thoughts on my smartphone’s version of this blog…or I may get on here and make a stand on how I see things and hope they inspire you to think.
Someone on the news the other day on MSNBC (I believe it was Tiffany Cross) said that Conservatives lacked intellectual curiosity. Well, if you know me…and even if you don’t…this brought my hackles up.
As a Women, Wife, Mother, and Voter since 1989, I have looked at both sides of the voting coin…and sometimes I have strayed into independent land…but a majority of the time to me Conservatives make intellectual sense.
They are for smaller government, the soverignty of each state in America, free enterprise, and independent commerece, right to life from conception to grave, the Constitution and all it’s amendements to be interpreted with the historical content and future consideration in mind, to realize that judges interpret the law they don’t make the law, the seperation of powers, the freedom of religion not from it, the right to fly the flag of the U.S. of A., the respect of all veterans and the sacrifice they and their families made for our country…
and guess where I learned all this…by using my mind and reading many history books…not just the ones that were printed in the last decades, and working towards my minor in History so that I can work with Veterans and other individuals our country has neglected as a Chaplain. I have been a voracious reader all my life of fiction and non-fiction, I have read autobiographies and romance novels…but still the greatest most educational book in my life will always be the BIBLE.
So to Ms. Tiffany Cross and all the other psuedo-intellectuals who say that Conservatives don’t have a mind and that women are cooerced by their husbands to vote Republican (that’s one my favorites) I have a mind of my own, I choose to use it the way that God guides me to use it… and I’ll never be ashamed of who I am or what I stand for…