Contemplating and Praying

Over the last few weeks I have been seriously contemplating and wondering if I want to go on with my Master’s. Wondering if God really wants me to be in this direction. Thinking that I should begin working outside the home again. Wondering what would happen if I came out of remission with my Chron’s/Colitis. Thinking about the whats, the ifs, the whys, and therefores.

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Here’s the thing. This contemplating is leading me to doubt. Doubt is from the enemy. Who is the stealer of dreams and does not want you to work in God’s plan. The enemy wants me to be out of sync with what my Creator wants for me. 

God has a plan for your life!

So, the best thing to do…renew my prayer life…to be in prayer and ask for prayer. Every day and every hour (if need be). Read the Bible daily and concentrate on God’s plan, not the enemy’s words.  To keep me on goal. To know that the end of the Bachelor’s is not very far. (Only 4 more classes) Master’s of Healthcare Chaplaincy is applied for. 

Praying that everything will align so that I can go into Clinical Pastoral Education program at St. Mary’s during the time I am working on my Master’s of Chaplaincy (Healthcare). 

Praying that I might have the chance to use my voice and efforts in a productive manner. To be an advocate for those who face the decisions of end of life alone. Especially, adults with special needs and Veterans. That they will not be bullyed, neglected, or abused in any way.  That my voice for their voice matters. 

God has given me a path and a vision. It is up to me to trust in the promises of God.  To know that He is in control. Blessed be the name of the Lord.

Elisabeth Elliot. #faith #peony #dontdoubt